Educational material as download
DOMiD offers educational programs for schools to place topics such as migration and racism in the classroom. With the Virtual Migration Museum and the materials for the workshop "Learning with objects - understanding racism", teachers can even independently expand and design their lessons at any time.
"Learning with Objects - Understanding Racism" – A workshop for Pupils
Within the framework of the workshop "Learning with Objects - Understanding Racism" pupils* are sensitized to the topic "racism". The PDF contains detailed instructions, different worksheets and an extensive glossary so that you can conduct the workshop independently in your school or organization.
Suitable for: Middle school (Sek. I) or higher classes, vocational schools, upper secondary school. Unfortunately, the workshop is not suitable for primary schools.
Important: The workshop was developed by DOMiD, but is carried out independently by the teachers using the materials. Download the file and feel free to contact us if you have any questions: service@domid.org

Workshop "Antiracism for teachers"
The "Anti-racism for teachers" workshop is designed to train future teachers in dealing with racism.
Racism is a reality of life and characterises the everyday lives of many people. Racism is also systematically anchored in German society and assigns everyone a specific social position. Consequently, racism not only affects people who are confronted with its negative consequences, but also people who experience privileges due to racist structures.
Suitable for: Multipliers and (prospective) teachers
Important: The workshop was developed by DOMiD, but is carried out independently by the teachers. Download the file and feel free to contact us if you have any questions: service@domid.org

The Virtual Migration Museum

The Virtual Migration Museum tells the story of migration in 3D. Visitors can move through a fictional urban landscape and can choose between three time periods. where they can enter and explore different buildings, each with a unique theme. In different buildings, migration is linked to various topics - such as work, culture or education.
The goal of the Virtual Migration Museum is to show how migration has shaped our history and continues to shape our society and lives together. The theme of migration is looked at from several different angles, acknowledging the different forms migration can take. The museum also aims to give people whose voices have previously been silenced the chance to contribute to a new, multi-perspective history of migration.
DOMiD's Virtual Migration Museum contains over 1,000 digitized exhibits from our collection and over 40 interviews with contemporary witnesses.
- 24/7: available whenever you like
- free of charge
- in German and English language
- optimized for PC, Mac, Android and htc Vive (VR headset)