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Photo: DOMiD-Archive, Cologne

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About DOMiD


More than 30 years ago, DOMiD was founded in Essen. Read more about our history.


The DOMiD archive in Cologne-Ehrenfeld covers around 1,000 square metres. With the establishment of a migration museum, this area will be significantly increased.


The nationwide unique collection includes over 150,000 exhibits on the history of migration in Germany.


19 employees (salaried and freelance) currently work at the Cologne office.

44.26 million euros

This is the sum that the federal government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia have earmarked in their budgets as investment funds for the "Haus der Einwanderungsgesellschaft (EN: "House of the Immigration Society").


According to the current schedule, the "Haus der Einwanderungsgesellschaft" (working title) is scheduled to open this year.

The Documentation Center and Museum on Migration in Germany (DOMiD), is a non-profit association founded by migrants in 1990. DOMiD is home to Germany's largest collection of objects and testimonies documenting the diverse history of migration in Germany. The ongoing collection grew out of civil society and currently includes more than 150,000 social, cultural and everyday history exhibits. With exhibitions, publications and events, DOMiD is one of the pioneers of the museumization of migration as well as the communication of migration history. The association stands for a multi-perspective view of history and is committed to an inclusive remembrance culture.

Funded by the federal government, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Municipality of Cologne, the migration museum "Haus der Einwanderungsgesellschaft" (House of the Immigration Society) will be built in Cologne in the coming years on behalf of DOMiD. There, it will be shown how migration has inscribed itself in German history and shapes our society today. As a cultural and meeting place, the museum also provides a discourse space for central questions about identity, living together and participation. The German Bundestag and the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia have each earmarked €22.13 million in their budgets for the investment costs. The project was included in the German government's National Action Plan on Integration to "honor Germany's cultural wealth, which is also owed to immigrants." The house is being built in the Cologne district of Kalk on the site of the former KHD works ("Hallen Kalk", to be precise: Hall 70) in a disused industrial hall. The patron of the museum building project is former Bundestag President Prof. Dr. Rita Süßmuth.

At present 19 employees (salaried and freelance) work in the Cologne DOMiD office. The association is politically independent and ideologically neutral. DOMiD is institutionally supported by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the City of Cologne.

Media coverage (selection)

ZEIT Online, 23.11.2022: "Die Briefe, die nie ankamen"
Report on our lenders: the Arslan family from Mölln (German only)

taz, 17.11.2022: Briefe an Brandanschlags-Opfer: Solidarität ausgebremst
Important new stock at DOMiD: The "Möllner Briefe" (German only)

Zeit Magazin, 27.04.2022: Die Vergessenen
Reportage about female migrant workers from Turkey (German only)

Deutsche Welle, 28.06.2021:
Moving to Germany: stories of migration in the 1960s
Report on the exhibition at Museum Ludwig

Euronews, 10.06.2019
Virtual migration museum aims to give voice to Germany's migrants
DOMiD´s Sandra Vacca in interview with Euronews on the Virtual Migration Museum

FAZ, 01.08.2021:
Auch in Köln ist Nomadland
The FAZ Feuilleton on the exhibition "In Situ: Photo Stories on Migration". (German only)

Tagesspiegel, 18.05.2022:
Europe's largest migration museum is being built in Cologne
Portrait about the "Haus der Einwanderungsgesellschaft" (German only)

Deutschlandfunk - Wochenendjournal, 26.06.2021:
Die Enkel der ersten Einwanderergeneration auf Spurensuche
Feature about the search for traces of the "guest workers" (with interviews by DOMiD). (German only)

Name unveiled: Future migration museum to be called Museum Selma

22 October 2024

DOMiD's nationwide migration museum is given a name.

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Museum building: Migration museum seeks architecture

12 August 2024

What the largest of the "Hallen Kalk" will look like in the future will become clear in the coming months. DOMiD has launched a Europe-wide tender process for architecture, structural engineering and scenography for the migration museum.

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Leasehold for 99 years: milestone for nationwide migration museum

22 March 2024

At its meeting yesterday, Cologne City Council approved the granting of the heritable building right for "Hall 70" of Hallen Kalk to DOMiD gGmbH for use as a nationwide migration museum. The opening is planned for 2029.

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Hallen Kalk – DOMiD calls on municipality to take decisive action

08 September 2023

For the realization of the nationwide museum "House of the Immigration Society", the sponsor DOMiD calls on the municipality to create reliable framework conditions on the premises of Hallen Kalk.

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Exhibition "Wer wir sind" (Who we are) - DOMiD cooperates with Bundeskunsthalle

04 April 2023

- Exhibition "Who We Are. Reflections on an Immigration country" opens on May 25, 2023. - Artistic positions meet contemporary historical objects

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30 years after racist arson attacks: DOMiD preserves "Möllner letters"

15 November 2022

30 years after the racist arson attacks in Mölln, we have received and inventoried the so-called Mölln letters from the affected families and digitized them, making them accessible to research.

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Migration museum: long-term cooperation between DOMiD and Evonik

11 May 2022

• Joint advocacy for democracy, plurality and diversity • Expansion and digitisation of the collection planned • Financing of the museum through the public sector and free enterprise

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Contemporary witnesses report, young people ask questions

26 October 2021

The migration museums DOMiD and Deutsches Auswandererhaus Bremerhaven have taken the 60th anniversary of the German-Turkish recruitment agreement as an occasion to invite to this intergenerational discussion.

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DOMiD wins future prize "Kulturgestalten"

08 July 2021

The project "Meinwanderungsland" of the Documentation Center and Museum on Migration in Germany (DOMiD) receives the first-ever "Kulturgestalten" prize of the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft.

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German Cultural Foundation supports Migrationmuseum in Cologne

21 June 2021

The German Federal Cultural Foundation will fund the project "DOMiDLabs - Laboratories for Participatory Museum Design" over the next three years.

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In Situ: Photo stories on migration

14 June 2021

The exhibition "Vor Ort - Fotogeschichten zur Migration" brings together professional photographs from the collection of Museum Ludwig and many private photographs from DOMiD's holdings.

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Afro-German History: DOMiD Archive Acquires Estate of Theodor Wonja Michael

20 January 2021

Theodor Wonja Michael was one of the last Black German survivors of the Weimar Republic and National Socialism. He passed away in 2019. Part of his estate is now entering the DOMiD collection.

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Bundestag approves funding for Migration Museum

15 November 2019

The budget committee of the German Bundestag approved funds for a »House of the Immigration Society« at yesterday's settlement meeting. The central migration museum will be built in Cologne. The Federal State NRW has also promised support.

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Location found for Migration Museum in Cologne-Kalk

03 July 2019

DOMiD (Documentation Center and Museum of Migration in Germany e.V.) was for the first time presented as a potential user of a hall owned by the city. The future migration museum is to be built in the hall.

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DOMiD publishes insights into stories of refugees in NRW

18 April 2019

With the project "Refugee Stories Collection", DOMiD documented the experiences of 71 people in 2017 and 2018, whose flight led them to NRW since 2015.

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NRW Prime Minister reaffirms support for planned House of immigration society

08 January 2019

The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet, visited the Documentation Centre and Museum of Migration in Germany on Sunday, together with the NRW Secretary of State for Integration Serap Güler.

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