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DOMiD publishes insights into stories of refugees in NRW

18 April 2019

Backgrounds, causes and circumstances of flight were asked as well as the current circumstances of life since their arrival in Germany. The project was funded by the Ministry of Children, Family, Refugees and Integration of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Federal state welcomes publication

The main focus of the project was a change of perspective:: Employees who experienced migration or flight conducted interviews, collected objects and photos. "Refugee Stories Collection" thus sent a strong signal for more social participation of people with refugee experiences, especially in the narration of personal stories. "Personal reports are an important testimony of the current migration. They offer both harrowing and encouraging insights into the lives of refugees. It is important to understand these stories as part of our common history," said NRW Integration Minister Joachim Stamp.

Insights into the life of refugees

Beside the documentation, the project also aimed to provide knowledge and understanding in order to create empathy and solidarity. Through the publication "Refugee Stories Collection – Every Story Matters!", published today, the current situations of the refugees are made accessible and visible. It provides an insight into the interviews and the collected materials. The booklet is digitally available on the homepage of the association and can also be purchased in print form from the association.

About DOMiD

DOMiD, the Documentation Center and Museum of Migration in Germany e.V., is a non-profit association based in Cologne. We are a scientific centre of excellence that collects, preserves and exhibits testimonies on the history of immigration in Germany. The aim of the association is to establish a house of the immigration society in Cologne.

Founded in 1990 by migrants, it is networked in many communities and has built up a unique collection of social, cultural and everyday historical testimonies on the history of the immigration of various groups. The collection is constantly growing and currently comprises more than 150,000 objects, documents and interviews. In addition, the association sees its task as researching and exhibiting the material. In addition to his museum and archival work, DOMiD organizes events, conferences and lectures. The aim is to communicate migration as the normal case.

The ultimate aim is to create the foundation of a common, transcultural identity. The association is politically independent and ideologically neutral. DOMiD is funded by the Ministry of Children, Family, Refugees and Integration (MKFFI) of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the city of Cologne.

  • Download_DOMiD_Pressemitteilung_ DOMiD veröffentlicht Einblicke in Geschichten geflüchteter Menschen in NRW

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