Honorary board and advisory board DOMiD e.V.

Honorary board
The honorary board of directors is the leading body of DOMiD e.V. It represents DOMiD externally in legal as well as representative matters and bears the overall responsibility. The members of the board are elected by the general meeting for a term of two years. They serve on an honorary and unpaid basis. The current board members are:
Jens Grimmelijkhuizen
Born in 1968 in Monheim am Rhein. Grew up and went to school in Leverkusen. Studied law in Cologne. Legal clerkship in Cologne and Izmir. Speaks Turkish. Since 1998 independent lawyer with office in Cologne. Member of DOMiD since 2008, member of the board since 2012.
Elif Şenel
Born in Cologne, journalist, trainer, moderator. Studied political science, modern history and Islamic studies in Bonn and Grenoble, France. 2005 Journalistic talent workshop “WDR grenzenlos”, 2006/07 WDR program traineeship, followed by editing and presenting for various radio stations
such as COSMO, 1LIVE, WDR5, DLF and on television at Phoenix - the event and documentary channel of ARD and ZDF. She currently presents “Neugier genügt” and “Das Tagesgespräch” for WDR5.
Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych. Ali Kemal Gün
Psychological psychotherapist, psychodrama therapist, systemic family therapist, lecturer, specialist author, integration officer. Works with people with and without international biographies, involvement in nationwide and community working groups. His work and research focuses on health care for migrants, interreligious and intercultural competence, intercultural opening, intercultural communication and sensitization.
Since 2012 on the board of DOMiD. Several publications, his latest book "Interkulturelle therapeutische Kompetenz - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen psychotherapeutischen Handelns" was published in 2018 by Kohlhammerverlag.
Dr. Iva Krtalić
Commissioner for Integration and Diversity of Content at WDR. Born in Zagreb, lived in Croatia and Italy, and in Cologne since the 1990s. Worked in refugee work, as a journalist for Croatian media and since 2000 as an editor at WDR, first in COSMO (formerly Funkhaus Europa) and since 2016 as Integration Officer at WDR. Responsible for making the immigration society visible and audible as normality in the broadcaster's programs. This includes the recruitment of young journalists, further development of the journalistic approach to and media research on media and immigration. Studied in Zagreb and Berlin and completed her doctorate on the topic of media discourses of the nation.
Dipl.Ing M. Tevfik Aslan-Cimikoglu
Born in Elbistan, Turkey. Came to study in Cologne in 1978.
Diploma in engineering (mechanical engineering/production technology) at the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne. Since 1988 independent entrepreneur in IT and new media, since 1994 entrepreneur in the hotel industry. Since 1978 social and multicultural engagement, among them 1982 foundation of the ARKADAS folk dance group at the Turkish Teachers Association and co-founder of the ARKADAS Theater COLOGNE. Since 1997 active in the AABF (Alevi Federation Germany). Co-founder 2006 "YOL Medien AG" of the Alevi Federation. Since 2015 member of DOMiD and currently board member.
Arnd Kolb, since November 2024
Historian, migration researcher, cultural and event manager, (children's book) author, journalist, publisher, archivist. Formerly an editor at SWR, where he designed the traveling exhibition “Zwischen Kommen und Gehen - und doch Bleiben” about labor migration to Germany from 1955. Kolb worked as a cultural manager and event director at the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart. With his book “Autos-Arbeit-Ausländer”, he published the first study to trace the history of labor migration at a car manufacturer. From 2012 to 2017, he was DOMiD Managing Director and subsequently helped to set up the Museu da Construção in São Paulo, Brazil. Today he works at the Schwäbisch Gmünd City Archive and is head of the queer history workshop “Unicorn seeks rainbow”.
Ahmet Necati Sezer
Born in Turkey, has lived in Germany since 1977. Teacher training at the WWU Münster, employed by the city of Gronau (Westf.) since 1991. Since 2012 in office as integration officer of the city of Gronau. Several publications on the subject of Turkish migration to Germany and Turkish organizations in the Federal Republic. He is one of the founders of DOMiD.
Murad Bayraktar , on the Management Board until November 2024
Born in Witten. A typical child of the "suitcase children" generation: elementary school in Germany, then school and first studies in Istanbul, 1996 return to Germany and second studies in Bochum. Work in radio, television and print media in Turkey and Germany, initially as a freelance journalist. Since 2003 WDR editor, initially at "Köln Radyosu", the Turkish program of WDR. From 2009 in management positions, including at COSMO (formerly Funkhaus Europa), in the state programs, then from 2019 head of the state studios and since April 2021 member of the management teams of the WDR newsroom and the chief editorial office at WDR.
Advisory Board
The scientific advisory board supports DOMiD in our continual development and with central scientific questions. The board is comprised of internationally reknown scientists who reside across Germany. Member of the advisory board are chosen by the board of directors for unspecified lengths of time.
Prof. Dr. Georg Auernheimer
retired university professor for general and intercultural pedagogy, founder and member of the research center for intercultural studies(RiSt), University of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim
retired university professor for sociology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, guest professor, NTNU/University of Trondheim (Norway)
Prof. Dr. Viola B. Georgi
professor for diversity education, University of Hildesheim
Dr. Ulrich S. Soénius
director of the „Rhine-Westphalia Economic Archive“ of Cologne, managing director of location policy, traffic, business support of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK Köln)
Prof. Dr. Micha Brumlik
retired professor of education, University of Frankfurt am Main
Prof. Dr. em. Wolf-Dietrich Bukow
retired professor for sociology of culture and education, founder of research center for intercultural studies (RiSt), University of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Tobias Brinkmann
associate professor of Jewish Studies and History, Penn State University, USA
Sergey Lagodinsky
head of the apartment of EU/North America of the Heinrich-Böll-foundation, former fellow of the Global Public Policy Institute and „Stiftung Neue Verantwortung“, Berlin
Dr. Barbara Laubenthal
lecturer at the Department of Germanic Studies, University of Texas
Prof. Dr. Yasemin Karakaşoğlu
Turkologist and educational scientist, head of the intercultural education department at the University of Bremen
Prof. Dr. Jochen Oltmer
project manager at the Institute for Research on Migration and Intercultural Studies, University of Osnabrück
Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries
professor for sociology/organization, migration, co-determination, Ruhr University Bochum
Prof. Dr. Claus Leggewie
former director of the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities, Essen
Prof. Dr. Dirk Hoerder
retired professor of social history of the USA, University of Bremen, and at the North American Center for Borderland Studies and Department of History, Arizona State University, USA
Prof. Dr. Heribert Prantl
Publicist, long-time member of the editor-in-chief of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, honorary professor of law at the University of Bielefeld
Dr. Udo Gößwald
director of the museum in Neukölln, Berlin