Publications and Essays
On this page can find a selection of various publications here: catalogues from previous and current exhibitions, scientific publications and books from our house-label "edition-DOMiD". All publications are available in german language (some of them are also in englisch language).
Are you interested in a publication? Please use the contact form at the end of this page to place an order or ask general questions.

DOMiDLabs: Labs for participatory museum design
In the project DOMiDLabs: Labs for Participatory Museum Design, we brought different people together in four labs. Their common goal was to develop design concepts based on various themes that would help DOMiD to build a multifaceted migration museum in Cologne – Museum Selma. DOMiDLabs was funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation from 2021 to 2024.
This publication documents the four labs and the most important lessons learnt at the practical level from the project team's collaboration with various participants, curators, scenographers and spaces.
The free publication can be requested here.

Who We Are. Reflecting a Country of Immigration (May 26-October 8, 2023).
Exhibition Guide
Published by the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany GmbH
in cooperation with DOMiD (Documentation Center and Museum on Migration in Germany).
Concept: Johanna Adam
Texts and editing: Johanna Adam, Massimo Perinelli, Katrin Schaumburg, Mara Teutsch
Size and format
Softcover, 22 x 28 cm, 80 pages, approx. 190 illustrations, In German language, Exhibition guide, 9 €
Infos on the exhibition
The exhibition guide can be obtained exclusively from Buchhandlung König; they cannot be ordered from bookstores or DOMiD.For domestic orders, you will receive the catalogs on account, with a flat-rate delivery charge of 5 EUR. For processing foreign orders, a credit card number is required (number and validity date of the credit card). Postage costs depend on the country of destination.
Order by giving your postal address and a telephone number to:
Bookstore Walther König GmbH & Co.KG in the Art and Exhibition Hall
Helmut-Kohl-Allee 4, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Tel: +49 228 9171-449, Fax: +49 228 9171-447

Why Racism concerns all of us
As part of the project Migration Labs Germany, DOMiD has developed a guideline that can be used by educational advisors, team leaders and educators to train future teachers in dealing with racism.
Racism is a reality of life and shapes the everyday life of many people. Racism is also systematically anchored in German society and assigns a specific social positioning to everyone. Consequently, racism does not only affect people who are confronted with its negative consequences, but equally people who experience privileges due to racist structures.
Adressing racism within the educational sector remains incomplete. The developed concept starts exactly there. Leaders of workshops can invite prospective teachers to deal with racism and their own positioning already during their studies.

Unknown Diversity – Insights into Korean Migration History in Germany
Migration movements, their diverse forms and effects often go unnoticed by outsiders. In Korean migration history, too, there are many aspects that have received little attention so far.
This anthology, "Unknown Diversity," describes the unimagined diversity that this migration to Germany entails. It not only includes contributions on the life and work of the Korean miners and nurses who came to the FRG from South Korea as "guest workers" in the 1960s, but also describes the largely unknown migration from North Korea to the GDR.
Adoption as "silent" migration, the lives of returnees to South Korea, and the realities of life for the second generation are also covered. Through an approach that draws attention to the interactions of migration, the multi-faceted nature of the migration movement is addressed. Attached interview excerpts as well as testimonials complement the scholarly contributions.
The first edition of 2014 was long out of print. Therefore, we are pleased that the Korea Association has initiated a second edition. The publication can be obtained from the Korea Association webshop.
Editors: Yong-Seun Chang-Gusko, Nataly Jung-Hwa Han, Arnd Kolb
2nd edition February 2022
312 pages
The volume is published in the series "edition DOMiD - Migration im Fokus".
ISBN 978-3-9816133-1-5

The memory of the migration society. DOMiD - An Association Writes History(s)
Life in the Federal Republic of Germany is shaped by millions of migrants. For a long time, their history remained unwritten, but in 1990, the pioneers of the "Documentation Center and Museum on Migration in Germany e.V." (DOMiD), who originated from Turkey, began to collect objects of everyday culture from the country. (DOMiD) began to collect everyday cultural objects from the era of the so-called "guest workers" and present them in exhibitions.
Today, the collection comprises more than 150,000 contemporary testimonies from Germany's migration history since 1945 until today. Countless untold stories of multiple migrations are tied to it.
In this book, freelance author Manuel Gogos traces the history of our association DOMiD.
Dank der Förderung durch das Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes NRW können wir das Buch als digitale Open Access Version imn PDF-Format zur Verfügung stellen.
270 pages, Available now
Print: 40€ hardcover
Order from publisher here
PDF: 0€ (Open Access)
Order free e-book here

German-Moroccan Life Paths: Stories about Searching, Arriving and Engaging
Germans of Moroccan origin are often affected by precarious living conditions in everyday life. This affects many areas of life - for example, poorer educational opportunities and poorer career prospects. As a consequence, this leads to precarious living conditions with simultaneous experience of discrimination. The starting conditions of many Germans of Moroccan origin are therefore not easy because of social barriers and challenges.
The contemporary history book includes contributions from 32 Germans with a Moroccan immigration history in the form of self-portraits, interviews, poems, and short stories. "German-Moroccan Life Paths" is a book project of the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences and the German-Moroccan Competence Network (DMK), in cooperation with DOMiD.
This publication is here available free of charge as an e-book.

Refugee Stories Collection: each story counts!
An English title, three words and a simple idea: To collect the stories of those who have come to North Rhine-Westphalia as refugees since 2015. With the "Refugee Stories Collection" project, in 2017 and 2018, DOMiD was able to document the experiences of 71 people who came to North Rhine-Westphalia after fleeing their homelands. The backgrounds, reasons, and circumstances surrounding their escape, as well as their current living conditions since arriving in Germany were all covered.
Paramount to this project was a shift in perspective: three research associates with their own personal experiences as refugees conducted the interviews, and gathered objects and photographs. Jonatan Bekele, Sahra Camal, and Sami Dzemailovski, in cooperation with DOMiD and project coordinator Elisabeth Pütz, sent a clear signal for greater participation of refugees in society, especially where the telling of personal narratives is concerned.
From the very start, the goal of the project was to impart greater knowledge and understanding through this reclaiming of the narrative, as well as to build empathy and solidarity. Not only is the current situation facing refugees made more visible and accessible, but also, the project provided scholarly findings, in addition to implications for dealing with refugees on the political and societal level.
The publication "Refugee Stories Collection – Each story counts!" provides a glimpse into the interviews and the collected materials.
This publication is limited in its print version. It is available for download below.

Invisible. Vietnamese-German realities
The third installment of DOMiDs in-house publication brand "edition DOMiD" focuses on the migration of people from Vietnam to Germany. A topic that has been rarely convered in the last years.
15€ plus shipping costs
Arnd Kolb/Robert Fuchs in Imis-Beiträge, Heft 51/2017
Am Ende des Hindernisparcours? Neue Zeiten und neue Konzepte für ein ›zentrales Migrationsmuseum‹ in der Migrationsgesellschaft
PDF / 585.6 kB
Sandra Vacca in Imis-Beiträge, Heft 51/2017
Auf der Suche nach Expert_innen der Migration.
PDF / 5.3 MB

Unknown Diversity: Insights into Korean Migration History in Germany
The 2nd volume of the series "Edition DOMiD" discusses Korean migration. The book includes not only contributions on the life and work of the Korean miners and nurses who came to the FRG in the 1960s, but also describes the largely unknown migration from North Korea to the GDR.
– sold out –
Observe new edition 2022

»Guest workers« on strike -The work stoppage at FORD Cologne in1973
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the so-called "Ford strike", DOMiD published the book "Foreign workers" on strike - The work stoppage at Ford Cologne in August 1973 by Jörg Huwer. The author describes the process and the background of the work stoppage in a clear and impressive way. For the first time, the context of the strike is clearly shown, beyond all previous interpretations.
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Drei Generationen | "Three Generations"
With the publication of "Three Generations" ("Drei Generationen") in 2012, DOMiD laid the groundwork for its own publication series. The first volume of the series, "Guest Workers on Strike" by Jörg Huwer, was published in August 2013 (original title: »Gastarbeiter« im Streik – Die Arbeitsniederlegung bei Ford Köln im August 1973). Plans for the next volumes are already under way. In the future, DOMiD will continue regularly publishing books, photo-books and catalogs on the topic of migration. Edition DOMiD is intended to provide young academics and authors in particular the opportunity to have their work published.
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More Information concerning "Drei-Generationen" | "Three Generations"

State of things –Collection and Representation of the migration history
Symposium on April 25, 2012 at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Cologne. Meeting documentation. DOMiD e.V. (ed.), Cologne 2012. In April 2012, DOMiD invited actors from the scientific, museum and archive landscape to the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum, Cologne. The development of the museumization of migration was discussed.
– out of print –
available as PDF!

3-Generationen-portraits. 50 years migration from Turkey.
Photographed by Guenay Ulutuncok, commissioned by DOMiD. DOMiD e.V. (Hrsg.), Köln 2011. The book presents the entire "3-generation portraits" collection.
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More information about "Drei-Generationen" | "Three Generations"

Divided home. 50 years migration from Turkey – Paylaşılan Yurt
Eryılmaz, Aytaç/Lissner, Cordula (eds.), Essen 2011. The book, in Klartext Verlag supplemented the exhibition "Shared Homeland". It includes photographs. documents and essays by scholar as well as biographical texts.
25€ plus shipping costs
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50 years migration from Turkey – Historical knowledge as a chance of intercultural exchange
On behalf of the Ministry of Labour, Integration and Social Affairs of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, DOMiD compiled this Internet presentation on migration from Turkey in 2011. It provides basic information as well as illustrative images on the subject.
– out of print –
[no image]
Who speaks? Shared memories in the migration society
Aytaç Eryılmaz and Martin Rapp, in: Institution for cultural policy of the Kulturpolitischen Gesellschaft (eb.): Yearbook Kulturpolitik 2009. Subject: Cultures of memory und politics of history, Essen 2009, p. 271-279.
– available in libraries –

DOMiD Documentation center and museum of migration in Germany
Matuszewski, Nina, in: Verband Deutscher Archivarinnen und Archivare e.V. (Hrsg.), Lebendige Erinnerungskultur für die Zukunft - 77. Deutscher Archivtag 2007 in Mannheim, Fulda 2008, p. 151-155.
– available in libraries –

The Political and Social Significance of a Museum of Migration in Germany
Eryılmaz, Aytaç, in: UNESCO (Hrsg.), The Cultural Heritage of Migrants, Museum International 5 (2007), p. 127-136.
– available in libraries –

Projekt Migration
DOMiD conducted "Projekt Migration" in cooperation with the Kölnischer Kunstverein, the Institute for Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology at the Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, and the "Institut für Theorie der Gestaltung und Kunst an der Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst" in Zürich. The project was sponsored by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
The project covered a variety of research projects, art campaigns, events, and film programmes. At the centre of all this work was the history of labour migration since the 1950s, as well as the societal changes brought about by these migration movements.
One of the many events and campaigns was an exhibition, which could be found between the autumn of 2005 and early 2006 at four different places in central Cologne. The exhibition marked the 50th anniversary of the signing of the German-Italian labour recruitment agreement on 20 December 2005. This was the formal beginning of migration between various Mediterranean countries, as well as Portugal, and Germany.
The exhibition focused on the societal changes effected by migration. It thus presented a Germany and Europe shaped by migration. Beyond that, from a consideration of history and the present situation, it mapped out the question of the future potential of migration.
A multilingual catalogue published by DuMont Verlag complemented the exhibition. It contained photographic and artistic images, documents, and interviews, as well as essays contributed by international scholars. For its extraordinary design, concept, and workmanship, the catalogue was awarded a prize by the Stiftung Buchkunst in 2005.
48€ plus shipping costs (>2kg)