News, Digital offer
Available 24/7: The Virtual Migration Museum
Due to the corona pandemic, museums and cultural institutions had to close indefinitely , so does the DOMiD archive. But nobody has to get along without migration history! Our Virtual Migration Museum contains over 1,000 digitized exhibits from our collection and over 40 interviews with contemporary witnesses.
- 24/7: available around the clock
- free of charge
- In German and English
- Optimized for PC, Mac, Android and htc Vive (VR glasses)
The Virtual Migration Museum tells the story of migration in 3D. Visitors can move through a fictional urban landscape where they can enter and explore different buildings, each with a unique theme. In these buildings, the visitor can learn more about a range of topics, including work, culture and education. Additionally, visitors can also travel through time by switching between three different periods.
The goal of the Virtual Migration Museum is to show how migration has shaped our history and continues to shape our society and lives together. The theme of migration is looked at from several different angles, acknowledging the different forms migration can take. The museum also aims to give people whose voices have previously been silenced the chance to contribute to a new, multi-perspective history of migration.
More info on virtuelles-migrationsmuseum.org/en/