News, Migration museum
DOMiD announces the name of the museum: Museum Selma
“We were looking for a unique name that is easy to remember, works internationally and fits the concept of our migration museum,” explains DOMiD Marketing Manager Timo Glatz. “The name Museum Selma combines a Celtic meaning of 'beautiful view' with Arabic roots that mean 'harmony' and 'peace'.”
With its roots in different languages and countries, the name Museum Selma already points to the polyphony of the planned migration museum. The choice of name also makes another statement.
"The name Selma is a common female first name in dozens of countries around the world. We made a conscious decision to use a female name in order to strengthen the female perspective, especially in the often male-perceived phenomenon of migration."
Timo Glatz, Head of Marketing at DOMiD

At the same time as the name was announced, a new website went online, presenting the Selma Museum to the public for the first time: www.museum-selma.de. This “website in the making” will continue to grow over the coming weeks, months and years and document the progress made in planning and implementing the museum. The website was funded by the Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR).

Campaign in Cologne
If you were out and about in Cologne in October, you could already spot it: The very first campaign that the Museum Selma is carrying into the cityscape of its future home city of Cologne.
“She's coming to stay": this is one of the statements that have been flickering across the streets of Cologne from digital outdoor advertising screens since the beginning of October. The campaign on cultural spaces and digital media was sponsored by Ströer.
Press release, 22.10.2024
Name unveiled: Future migration museum to be called Museum Selma
PDF / 247.2 kB
Media response (selection) - German media only
- WDR Lokalzeit Köln (TV), 22.10.2024: Zukünftiges Kölner Migrationsmuseum heißt Selma
- Deutschlandradio, 23.10.2024, : Einwanderung – Das geplante Migrationsmuseum in Köln soll „Selma“ heißen
- WDR 3, 23.10.2024, Kultur am Mittag: Das Migrationsmuseum bekommt Namen, Logo und langsam Gestalt
- epd, 22.10.2024: Neues Museum für Köln: “Selma” blickt auf Einwanderungsgeschichte
- Kölnische Rundschau, 22.10.2024: So soll das neue Haus zur Migrationsgeschichte heißen
- Kölner Stadt Anzeiger, 23.10.204: So soll das geplante Migrationsmuseum in Kalk heißen