News, Education & Mediation
DOMiD systematically expands education sector
DOMiD is education! The "memory of the migration society" is not only stored in our archives, but also finds its way into projects and educational projects as knowledge and perspective. With the project "DOMiD macht Schule" (2013), the "Virtual Migration Museum (2013-2018) and the award-winning mediation project "#Meinwanderungsland" (2017-2020), DOMiD set impulses here early on.
With the help of the Ministry of Schools and Education of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, DOMiD is systematically developing and expanding the area of "Education and Mediation" with regard to the establishment of the "House of the Immigration Society". Through the secondment of Andrea Nepomuck from the Ministry of Education, we gained a high-profile pedagogue with a strong memory-cultural profile for our team. In the last few months, she has been able to initiate important projects and establish educational programs:
DOMiD as a workshop for schools!
The new workshop "Migration and I - Discovering Migration History(s)" opens up the opportunity for people to discover the DOMiD archive and the stories of migration it contains in all their diversity. In a dialogical tour through the collection and archive, objects and stories from the unique DOMiD collection are presented. The participants thus gain exciting and unexpected insights into the "memory of the migration society". In the subsequent cooperative group work phase with archive materials, participants independently discover themes and stories, engage in exchange with each other, and develop a multifaceted picture of migration and historical as well as contemporary sociopolitical issues.
The workshop is scheduled for 120 minutes and costs 200 euros. The number of participants is limited to 20. The workshop can be booked on request (limited capacities) and is aimed at school groups or groups in independent sponsorship.

If you are interested, please contact our colleague Andrea Nepomuck.
DOMiD for schools with courage!
In the context of a 180min pilot workshop "Power! Migration as a perspective on history and present in the society of the many" the Courage-AG (Program School without Racism - School with Courage) of the Konrad-Adenauer-Gymnasium Langenfeld was at DOMiD (03.03.23). The students visited DOMiD explicitly with the wish to use the excursion for their own inner-school projects and the further development of the school program in the sense of an anti-racist, difference-friendly, empowering school.
Schools or networks interested in the program are encouraged to contact DOMiD.

DOMiD for multipliers and teachers!
At the study day "Shaping Democracy in a Contentious Way: Pre- and Intervention Strategies in Dealing with Anti-Democratic Tendencies in Schools" of the ZfsL (Center for Practical Teacher Training) Dortmund, DOMiD was able to offer a 180-minute workshop entitled "Migration History(s) - a New Perspectivization of Pedagogical Action in the Context of School?" this year. The prospective teachers dealt with migration, diversity and questions of identity and belonging as well as racism and anti-racism in an interdisciplinary way. Discovering migration history(s) in the microcosm of school raises awareness of collective experiences, own and collective identities, imprints and debates of our present. In addition, the reflected examination of histories of violence and empowerment makes it possible to recognize racist continuities, present (threats) and the struggles for recognition and self-empowerment of those affected in professional teacher action and to develop one's own self-reflective attitude of solidarity.
Schools, school groups or multipliers of non-formal educational institutions interested in the program are encouraged to contact DOMiD.

DOMiD has a seat on the jury!
DOMiD has started its jury participation in the History Competition of the Federal President, the largest historical research competition for young people in Germany. The state winners of this year's competition on the topic "More than a roof over your head. Housing has history" will receive their prizes in Bonn on September 18, 2023. At present, a total of 1,655 entries from more than 5,500 children and young people are being evaluated. More info

DOMiD cooperates!
DOMiD cooperates with the place of remembrance Alter Schlachthof at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf in the project "(Forced) Migration and Flight - Stories from Then & Now". The historical-political educational project for pupils and students is funded by the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung (01.0323-29.02.24). With educational materials and workshops as well as networking visits to both places, actions in the area of tension between coercion and decision-making power are to be explored. What agency and strategies for self-assertion do people develop in the past and present? What are the individual spaces of experience, narrativizations and memory practices? Can contemporary questions on (forced) migration help to better interrogate and comprehend historical contexts as well? At the end of 2023, DOMiD will participate in a scientific exchange event with educational actors and students.
Schools interested in participating in the project can contact our colleague Andrea Nepomuck. The workshops will take place in the 1st half of 2023/24.
Photo: Lotte Hanauer managed to reach Palestine via Trieste on the "Kinderalija" in the fall of 1939 (private property Irith Fröhlich).