News, DOMiDLabs
DOMiDLab #04: The fourth and final lab is all about feelings
In its exhibitions and programs, DOMiD deals with topics such as racism, war, flight and persecution. The objects on display and the stories told require both a critical and sensitive approach.
Over the years, the DOMiD team members have experienced a wide range of reactions themselves and in discussions with exhibition visitors and workshop participants. Sadness, nostalgia, anger, shame, but also pride, melancholy and joy: Sometimes it was objects, sometimes situations, sometimes topics, sometimes stories that suddenly triggered intense emotions - both positive and negative.
With focus on our nationwide migration museum being created in Cologne-Kalk, Lab #04 "Trigger Warning! – Sensitive Objects and Topics in a Multi-Perspective Exhibition" asks the following questions: How can objects and stories that trigger strong feelings be sensitively displayed in an exhibition? Where do we encounter these feelings, with which senses do we experience them? How can we capture feelings, react to them, give them space? How can we as a museum find a creative and spacious way of dealing with them?
Together with people from the wider community, answers to these questions are sought and ideas for design elements are developed.
The fourth lab will be curated by Deniz Weber. The DOMiDLabs project team is participating in the design, coordination and organization of the entire lab process. Studio Quack - Bricolage é Urbanisme is responsible for the design and construction of the final lab exhibition.
The outcomes of the joint work will be presented in October / November 2024 at Gold + Beton and the Gemeinde Köln in the Ebertplatzpassage.