News, DOMiDLabs, Participation, Digital offer
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DOMiDLabs is a project by DOMiD and is sponsored by the German Federal Cultural Foundation from 2021 to 2024. Under the slogan #unserMuseum gemeinsam gestalten (creating #unserMuseum together) various people come together in four different labs as part of DOMiDLabs. Together with them, we develop ideas and content covering different topics and questions, for example: How can people meet and interact with each other in the museum? What would an exhibition look like that would enable the museum to react to current debates? How can topics and stories be respectfully exhibited? The answers will help DOMiD to create a multifaceted and engaging museum in Cologne’s Kalk district.

Each of the four labs will take place in Cologne, run for about eleven months and will conclude with an exhibition. The ideas and findings resulting from labs will be presented to the public in these exhibitions, and visitors will test and comment on them. The exhibitions will be displayed in various locations in Cologne between 2022 and 2024.
Alternating participants or a fixed group from wider community will take part in the labs. In addition, one person will be invited for each lab to develop the respective concept. Each of these people brings their own methods and has many years of experience with projects in which diverse groups of people are involved in different ways. Furthermore, people with experience in professional exhibition construction participate in the labs. They help to present the results in an appealing way.
The current lab Lab #1 Meet Up! at the Museum – The “Haus der Einwanderungsgesellschaft” deals with the topic "Encounter(s) in the Immigration Society", and with the question of what an exhibition needs to invite visitors toengage in new encounters. The lab work will take place across multiple workshops with people from Cologne-Kalk.
The workshops will be organised and led by Danielle Kuijten (Heritage Concepting, Amsterdam) together with DOMiDLabs staff members Sandra Vacca and Azziza B. Malanda. In addition, the architecture collective raumlaborberlin will accompany the workshops. In coordination with the team, they are responsible for the design and construction of the exhibition.