"Who we are. Reflections on an immigration country"
How does the "we" come into being in a society? Does this only succeed through demarcation from "the others"? Is it possible to achieve a common and comprehensive "we" in our society? The exhibition WHO WE ARE asks critical questions about Germany as an immigration country. This is a term that politicians have long resisted and which should seem self-evident today. Migration is not a special case - it is the normal state of affairs, at all times and everywhere in the world. People who came to Germany have always struggled to be part of society and its history. Experiences of racism and discrimination are still part of everyday life for people who are denied belonging to the "we", whether with or without a migration history. Their paths are marked by resistance, but also by success.
Who speaks?
WHO WE ARE takes a look at the structures of our society: Who is allowed to have a say? How do we create access to spaces and resources - to education, housing and culture? Who speaks in politics and the media? We look at achievements as well as hurdles in the struggle for equal coexistence.
Artistic perspectives meet contemporary historical objects
The exhibition shows the potential of art as a resistant force and important engine of our society. The artists sometimes ask uncomfortable questions and open up new perspectives on (supposedly) familiar issues surrounding our migration society. WER WIR SIND also makes it its business to critically reflect on power and our self-image as museums and cultural workers together with artists. Some artists have conceived new works especially for Who We Are, which will be shown for the first time in the exhibition.
Alongside the art are contemporary testimonies from everyday life that reflect the reality of life in our society. These materials come from the collection of DOMiD (Documentation Center and Museum on Migration in Germany). Here, material and immaterial culture is collected around the German migration society from 1945 until today. Some of the objects, photographs, documents and interviews can be seen as examples in this exhibition.
DOMiD's goal since its founding in 1990 has been to build a migration museum. There are so many stories to tell, and many still lie hidden. For example, coming to terms with the history of migration in the GDR is still in its infancy. DOMiD invites people to tell their own stories, expand the collection, and thus lay another building block for the migration museum opening in Cologne in 2027.
Events & Tours (Selection)
Upcoming events
Fri, 9/15/2023, 7 p.m.
Panel discussion
"Who we are" - Migration in the field of tension of German museums.
Diversity and cultural participation are on everyone's lips. But is this a sustainable development? Experts from the museum landscape and migration research will discuss how migration can be transferred to the museum and how true participation in the migration society can succeed.
In cooperation with DOMiD (Documentation Center and Museum on Migration in Germany).
On the panel:
- Dr. Bora Akşen
- Angela Jannelli
- Cem Kaya
- Sandra Vacca
Moderation: Prasanna Oommen
Past events
May 26 and 27, 2023
Performative festival "THE [NEW] WE. Art and its institutions will belong to all of us"
Festival program
Fri, 6/23/2023, 7pm.
We demand the good life! "Guest workers" between work, love and poetry
"Guest workers" in the Federal Republic, "contract workers" in the GDR: they worked hard, went on strike, lived, loved. They set out in search of the good life - sometimes with family, sometimes alone. But what did the everyday life of these courageous women look like? How did they live? What were their working conditions like? What did they do in their free time? With stories, photos, documents and music, we want to talk to the migrant women of that time about work and resistance, about free time, love and poetry. Visitors are invited to bring their own memorabilia.
On the panel:
Mai-Phuong Kollath
Veronika Oommen
Asimina Paradissa
Rosa Spitaleri
A moderated conversation with contemporary witnesses. Idea & moderation: Aurora Rodonò
In collaboration with DOMiD (Documentation Center and Museum of Migration in Germany).
Admission: 5€/3€ (without visiting the exhibition), lounge.
More information and photos
Sat., 6/3/2023, and Sun., 6/4/2023
Museum Mile Festival
The five houses of the Bonn Museum Mile celebrate a big family festival. Admission to all exhibitions is free!
The complete program as of May at www.museumsmeilebonn.de
Sat., 6/3/2023, 8:30 p.m. to midnight
Art Night at Museum Square/Saturday_Late_Art - Who We Are
Speedguided tours_DJ_Drinks
To the Museumsmeilenfest at the Bundeskunsthalle and the Kunstmuseum Bonn.
This is only a selection. All information about events can be found here.
Guided tour, reading, talk
Ibraimo Alberto: I wanted to live like the gods
Sat., Sept. 2, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Autobiographical lecture and dance workshop
Dodzi Dougban: We are human beings
The workshop will be interpreted in German Sign Language.
Sat. 9/23, 10/7, 3-6 p.m.
Queer Space - guided tour, creative action and exchange
LGBTIQA+ stories from the migration society.
During a tour of the exhibition we pick up queer points of connection, which we deepen by means of a creative action. Afterwards, we will have a drink and get into conversation in a relaxed setting.
Sun., Aug. 20, 2-5 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 24, 2-5 p.m., Special Guest: Olivia Wenzel
Please note: written registration is required in advance for some of the offerings. Please check the website of the Bundeskunsthalle or contact the responsible colleagues:
T +49 228 9171-243, (Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Fri. 9 a.m.-12 p.m.)
All visitors up to and including 18 years of age have free admission to the exhibitions of the Bundeskunsthalle on all days.
Teachers and educators accompanying school classes are also admitted free of charge.
Guided tour, reading, talk
I wanted to live like the gods
Friday, September 1, 2023, 10:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
In a guided tour with art mediator Inès von Patow in dialogue with author Ibraimo Alberto, racist violence, everyday discrimination, structural exclusion, anti-racist commitment and integration work become comprehensible from the perspective of those affected. Afterwards, journalist and documentary filmmaker Julia Oelkers will read from Alberto's book I Wanted to Live Like the Gods (2014). His narrative is about slavery, experiences of discrimination and violence - in the GDR as well as in the newly reunited Germany - and the ongoing commitment against racism and for integration. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to talk with Ibraimo Alberto and Julia Oelkers.
Prior booking required. The number of seats is limited.
120 minutes, 100 €
Future City Workshop
Future City - Designing a city model
Inspired by the work Future City by artist Mohammed Kteish, together we will create a model of a future city where peace, diversity and sustainability are lived.
Between gunshots and falling bombs, Mohammed Kteish dreamed of a better future for his city of Aleppo. He built a city model out of paper, which not only served as a beacon of hope and for preserving very personal city stories, it also gave courage to overcome fears and conflicts with creativity.
120 minutes, 100 €
Forum Theater Workshop
Together in diversity
The workshop begins with a stimulating exhibition tour that introduces us to the challenges and opportunities of the immigration society. Using the tools of Forum Theater, we then explore the question of how discrimination, exclusion and oppression arise and work, and how they can be overcome. The focus of the workshop is on reflection and the scenic realization of concrete situations from the lives of the participants. Possible approaches to solutions and actions are developed together and tried out in a playful way. In addition, we will also work creatively and artistically implement our wishes and ideas for a just coexistence in diversity.
180 minutes, 150 €
Training for teachers
Who we are. Reflecting a country of immigration
With Maria Bodil Damm (art educator) and Katharina Jahnke (artist and art educator).
In a two-hour advanced training we will inform you compactly about highlights of the exhibition, connecting points to the curriculum and our offers especially designed for schools. In the first 30 minutes, the creative-practical workshops on the exhibition will be presented, the second part of the training includes a tour of the exhibition (90 minutes) with an introduction to art history.
Free participation for teachers, trainee teachers and lecturers in active service after written registration with indication of the school.
Prior booking required. The number of seats is limited.
Thursday, August 10 and Tuesday, August 15
17:00 - 19:00
Guided tours can be booked in the following languages (subject to availability of freelance staff):
- German
- English
- Ukrainian
- Arabic
- Turkish
- Kurdish
- Persian (Farsi)
- French
Guided tour in German, German Sign Language, English, audio description. The curator team introduces the concept and the main works. Free of charge via the Bundeskunsthalle app. Artistic concept and production tonwelt.
Future workshop in the exhibition
Designing a city model - Future City
Inspired by a work of the artist Mohammed Kteish, we create together the model of a future city, where peace, diversity and sustainability are lived.
Sat. and Sun., 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Guided tours by curators
With Johanna Adam in German:
Fri, 5/26, 2pm, Wed, 6/7, 3pm, Sun, 6/25, 3pm, Fri, 6/30, 5pm, Wed, 9/13, 3pm, Fri, 9/22, 5pm, Sun, 9/24, 3pm.
With Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock in English:
Fri, 5/26, 2 p.m., Wed, 6/7, 3 p.m., Fri, 6/9, 5 p.m., Wed, 9/13, 3 p.m.
With Dan Thy Nguyen in German:
Fri, 6/16, 5 p.m., Sat, 6/17, 3 p.m., Sun, 6/18, 3 p.m., Sat, 7/1, 3 p.m.
Guided tour and creative offer for integration and language courses
Exhibition tour and subsequent artistic-practical work. Can be adapted to the respective
adapted to the respective language level. Dates freely bookable
Exhibition tour for intercultural groups
Meet & Speak
Dialogical guided tour for people with and without a refugee or migration background.
Bookable free of charge for intercultural groups.
Queer Space - guided tour, creative action and exchange
LGBTIQA+ stories from the migration society.
During a tour of the exhibition we pick up queer points of connection, which we deepen by means of a creative action. Afterwards, we will have a drink and get into conversation in a relaxed setting.
Sun., Aug. 20, 2-5 p.m.
Sun., Sept. 24, 2-5 p.m., Special Guest: Olivia Wenzel
Public tours
Tuesdays and Saturdays, 5.30 p.m.
3 €/reduced 1,50 €, plus admission to the exhibition
Freely bookable group tours
60 min 70 €, 90 min 90 €
plus entrance fee 13 €/reduced 6,50 € per person
For blind and visually impaired persons
Detailed descriptive guided tour on 17.09., 11.30h
Numerous other guided tours are offered. Please check the website of the Bundeskunsthalle for current information on mediation offers for the exhibition.
Please note: written registration is required in advance for some of the offerings. Please check the website of the Bundeskunsthalle or contact the responsible colleagues:
T +49 228 9171-243, (Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Fri. 9 a.m.-12 p.m.)
Media coverage (selection)
- ARD Tagesthemen (German only)
- WDR Sacala/Mosaik (German only)
- DLF Kultur, Fazit (German only)
- DLF Kultur, Studio 9 (German only)
- dpa (German only)
- dw Afrique (French)
Die Künstler*innen der Ausstellung
Adel Abdessemed, Akinbode Akinbiyi, James Gregory Atkinson, May Ayim, Mehtap Baydu, Cana Bilir-Meier, Frédéric Brenner, Maithu Bùi, Vlassis Caniaris, Harun Farocki, Talya Feldman, Claire Fontaine, Hans Haacke, Manaf Halbouni, Mona Hatoum, Nadira Husain, Daniel Josefsohn, Sebastian Jung, Šejla Kamerić, Kanak Attak, Cem Karaca, William Kentridge, Magda Korsinsky, Alicja Kwade, Damian Le Bas, Thomas Locher, Emeka Ogboh, Aras Ören, Daniela Ortiz, Benjamin Patterson, Mario Pfeifer, Phung-Tien Phan, Anta Helena Recke, Serkan Sarier, Lucia Sceranková, Lerato Shadi, Katharina Sieverding, Hito Steyerl, Ülkü Süngün, Dito Tembe, Sung Tieu, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Dragutin Trumbetas, Ulay, Carrie Mae Weems, Naneci Yurdagül
Bild oben: Lerato Shadi. Batho ba ha ba Tlhalonganye 2020–2023, Neon-Sign-Installation ©Courtesy die Künstlerin und blank projects, Kapstadt, Foto: dewil.ch (CC BY-NC-ND)
Johanna Adam
Lynhan Balatbat-Helbock
Dan Thy Nguyen
Kuratorische Assistenz
David Muñoz Aristizábal
Elizabeth Namwanje
Team DOMiD
Timo Glatz (PR)
Beate Rieple (Sammlung)
Katrin Schaumburg (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit)
Mara Teutsch (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit, Sammlung)
Johanna Adam
Mark Terkessidis
Wissenschaftliches Lektorat
Massimo Perinelli
İbrahim Arslan
Isabel Enzenbach
Manuel Gogos
Karnik Gregorian
Kutlu Yurtseven
Nicole Miller
Lange+ Durach
DOMiD (Dokumentationszentrum und Museum über die Migration in Deutschland)