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Jewish history: DOMiD cooperates with MiQua
MiQua, the Jewish Museum in the Archaeological Quarter of Cologne, later operated by the Rhineland Regional Council (LVR), and the "House of the Immigration Society" by DOMiD are two museums under construction. Already now a virtual exhibition project offers first insights into the future topics of the cooperation partners. Already since 2018 DOMiD has a digital exhibition room, the Virtual Migration Museum. There MiQua moves in October with a virtual guest showcase, which covers numerous current topics.

Diversity of Jewish history and culture is presented
The presentation focuses on the changes in the Jewish communities in Germany in the 1990s and the mutual relationship to the topic of migration. For both Cologne institutions, the focus of their work is on people, their experiences and stories. The MiQua guest showcase in DOMiD's Virtual Migration Museum reflects the diversity of Jewish history and culture by means of introductory texts, conversations, photographs and objects.
Interviews, photos, videos and audios illustrate the impressions of the contemporary witnesses
For example, interviews with Rabbi Natalia Verzhbovska and another contemporary witness from Cologne offer personal insights into the migration history of so-called Jewish contingent refugees who entered Germany from the Soviet Union and its successor states from 1991 onwards.
Photographs by photojournalist Herby Sachs convey visual impressions of the time. Also on display are the first issue of the 1991 issue of the Gemeindeblatt der Synagogen-Gemeinde Köln (Community Gazette of the Cologne Synagogue Community) and the tallit, the rabbi's prayer robe. Media content in the guest showcase provides an insight into the current situation of Jewish life in Germany: In two video and audio clips, the interview partners comment on the attack on the synagogue in Halle (Saale) on October 9, 2019, and describe their memories of that day. Discussions on the topics of anti-Semitism and security are taken up.

Download the app now and learn more about Jewish history in Germany!
You will find the guest showcase in the dormitory building, in the dorm room, on time level 3.
Learn more about MiQua here. LVR Jewish Museum in the Archaeological Quarter Cologne_
Press reviews
Deutschlandradio (Sendung Schalom), 27.11.2020: "Kölner Kooperation: Jüdisches Museum und Migrationsmuseum" – https://www.deutschlandradio.de/audio-archiv.260.de.html?drau:broadcast_id=186
Jüdische Allgemeine, 13.10.2020: "Jüdisches Museum Köln startet digitales Ausstellungsprojekt" – https://www.juedische-allgemeine.de/unsere-woche/juedisches-museum-koeln-startet-digitales-ausstellungsprojekt
Tachles, 23.10.2020: "Neue Museen für Köln" –
Kulturblog, 03.11.2020: Köln und die Zukunft seiner Museen – MiQua meets DOMiD: https://www.kultur-blog.de/koeln-und-die-zukunft-seiner-museen-miqua-meets-domid/