News, Migration museum
Visit from Claudia Roth, Minister of State for Culture and Media
Great recognition for #unserMuseum: today, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Claudia Roth, as well as the Vice President of the NRW State Parliament, Berîvan Aymaz, visited our office in Cologne. In a guided tour through the DOMiD collection, we were able to show how much migrants have shaped the cultural landscape in Germany: in self-organizations, cultural productions, economies, media (re)presentation and much more.
The Minister of State for Culture was impressed by the rich treasure trove of contemporary testimonies and tangible and intangible cultural assets that DOMiD has collected over the past 30 years in order to document the cultural heritage that migrants have left behind in Germany. This will find particular expression in the #Migration Museum "House of the Immigration Society" initiated and planned by DOMiD. The nationwide museum is scheduled to open in Cologne in 2027. Already in the current early planning phase, DOMiD is building strongly on the involvement of the public, especially the population in Cologne-Kalk, where the museum is being built. In the DOMiDLabs project, which is funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, design strategies for the exhibition are being developed in a participatory manner.
As Minister of State for Culture, the promotion of cultural institutions falls under Claudia Roth's remit. For this reason, we were very pleased to talk with her and Berîvan Aymaz about our museum project, the "House of Immigration Society," which is funded by both the federal government and the state of NRW.