Media download
The images and graphs provided here are available copyright-free for press and journalistic purposes. Please reference the appropriate image source.
You can get our logo on request.
Press contact
DOMiD e.V. – Documentation centre and Museum of Migration in Germany
Venloer Straße 419
50825 Köln (Cologne), Germany
Tel.: +49 221- 294 944 84
Media and public relations: Timo Glatz
Press photos & graphics
Press pictures | #unserMuseum | Museum construction
Photos Migrations Museum, zip-file, please note the credentials in the text file
ZIP / 24.2 MB
Press picture | Virtual Migration Museum / Collection | Motif "Making of" object photography
Photo: DOMiD-Archive, Köln
JPG / 6.0 MB
Press picture | Archive / Collection | Motif with photo slides, photo and gloves
Photo: Dietrich Hackenberg/DOMiD-Archive, Köln
JPG / 1.6 MB
Press picture | Archive magazine | Motif shelf with Helios lighthouse in the background
zip-folder (CMYK, RGB). Photos: DOMiD-Archive, Köln
ZIP / 14.9 MB
Press picture | Archive/magazine | Motif cassette cabinet with Helios lighthouse in the background
zip-folder (CMYK, RGB). Photos: DOMiD-Archive, Köln
ZIP / 17.5 MB
Press kit “The Möllner Letters”
Press photos and background information on the archive collection “Möllner Briefe” (I and II) and the documentary film “Die Möllner Briefe”.
ZIP / 21.5 MB
Further ressources
Are you looking for experts with a migration history for your reporting?
- Diversity finder of the ndo (German only)
- Mediendienst Integration
Support for reporting in the migration society
- Glossary of the New German Media Makers (German only)
- Facts & Figures (Mediendienst Integration)
- Short & sweet (SvR, Council of Experts on Integration and Migration) (German only)
- Migration terms (University Osnabrück/IMIS) (German only)
E-Learning Platform Media – Migration – Integration
- The Mediendienst Migration and the Erich Brost Institute offer online courses for the immigration society to provide practical research tips and basic knowledge for journalists on the topics of migration, participation and racism.