Event, panel-discussion
"The new us" - Talk with Jan Plamper
Hardly any topic is currently being discussed as frequently and heatedly as "migration". Many discussions are currently dealing with the understanding of a nation and common social values. Jan Plampers book "Das neue Wir. Warum Migration dazugehört: Eine andere Geschichte der Deutschen" (S. Fischer) opens up a new perspective on German history from 1945.
Jan Plamper , who lived in the USA and Russia for a long time, now commutes between Berlin and London, where he teaches as a professor of history at Goldsmiths College. During the creation of his book, he used the DOMiD archive for research, and came to a new assessment of the diverse stories of, among others "Guest workers" from Italy and Turkey, "contract workers" from Mozambique and Vietnam as well as emigrants from the Soviet Union. The experiences of these many more people form the basis of his critical analysis with previous approaches. According to Jan Plamper, emigration and immigration belong to Germany. Migration is normal case, a story of success and a challenge at the same time. Moderator Maryam Aras will talk to the historian about a new understanding of nation and affilliation. Moderation: Maryam Aras
Admission: 9, - / 7, - € | Members: 5, - €
Event partner: Literaturhaus Köln
Foto: Andreas Labes