News, Digital offer
Virtual Migrationmuseum awarded with DigAMusAward
DOMiDs Virtual Migration Museum was awarded with the jury prize of the DigAMusAward on October 22th, 2020! We are very happy that our project was selected from more than 100 submissions as the best digital project in the museum sector in the category Inclusion & Integration. The award is not only due to the entire project team, but above all to our lenders* and interview partners*. Their stories are the focus of the Virtual Migration Museum and DOMiD.
A large thanks goes to the Federal center for political education (bpb) and the regional organization Rhineland (LVR), which made the project possible only.
We thank you, last but not least, the creators of the DigAMusAward, which placed this Award with heart blood for the thing on the legs and with the jury, which examined scarcely 130 entries:
- Mechthild Eickhoff (German Socio-Cultural Fund)
- Prof. Dr. Markus Hilgert (Cultural Foundation of the Federal States)
- Dr. Henning Mohr (Institute for Cultural Policy of the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e. V.)
- Sonja Thiel (philosopher, historian, curator)
- Dr. Kathrin Zimmer (Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts - Digitization in Art and Culture)
Congratulations also go to the other winners, including the Stadtmuseum Berlin, the Kunsthalle Karlsruhe and the Goethe Museum in Düsseldorf!