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Our documentation center is open to all interested parties, by appointment. However, the use of the collection requires a visit at DOMiD in person. Here at DOMiD, the FAUST database system is used for research. We give every visitor an introduction to the database and its different search functions. Materials may be viewed in our reading room, it is possible to make copies. Scans can also be made, bringing a USB stick is a prerequisite in this case.

Unfortunately we are not able to provide any research services. For preliminary research, our online indexes are available for download.

Your visit

Searches possible by appointment

Archive searches are possible for 2 persons at a time. Opening hours are Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 am to 4 pm.

Pre-registration must be made using the form below. Please do not appear until we have confirmed the appointment.

The language of the DOMiD collection database is German. Basic knowledge of the German language is consequently indispensable.

For questions about archive use, please email recherche@domid.org.

Information for download

  • Usage and Fees | German version

    PDF / 121.6 kB


  • Usage and Fees | English version

    PDF / 122.1 kB


  • Schutzfristverkürzung | Time limitations | German only

    PDF / 69.5 kB


Researching the DOMiD archive

Opening hours Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 am - 4 pm

→ Read the Privacy Policy

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