DOMiD’s reference library is home to over 15,000 titles. Users can find scholarly literature, in several languages, on the following subjects: Sociology, History and Society, Politics and Public Discourse, Social Relations (Living Situations, Integration, Racism), Law, Economics, Education, Health, Culture (Cultural Identity, Language, Religion, Literature, Art, Music), Geography and Statistics.
We are solely a reference library, so one must visit DOMiD's premises to access. Because the space for archive and library users is limited, it is in your interest to make arrangements for your visit as early as possible. Please fill in a form for archive usage to make an appointment.

Gray Literature
One focal point of our collection is printed material categorized as gray literature. These titles are not normally part of the book market and, therefore, rarely find their way into library collections. Examples of our gray literature inventory include language instruction books from the era of labor recruitment, informational guides, municipal administration reports, and publications from intercultural initiatives, churches, charities and labor unions.
Newspapers and Magazines
For years, DOMiD has been collecting newspapers and magazines from various communities. These periodicals are primarily published in the languages of migrants' lands of origin and are sources of great historical value. Thanks to the donations and loans of several organizations and private persons, we also have a large inventory of news clippings on relevant topics.

Literary Works
DOMiD also collects works of literature, which deal with the topic of migration, as well as works from individuals with a "migration background." Many of the authors in our collection represent the field of so-called "guest worker literature" from the 1960s and 1970s. Others represent the "second generation." Our inventory includes German-language editions and works published in the languages of migrants' various lands of origin.
Have you found hidden treasure in your bookcase?
Are you in possession of literature or newspapers that would be suitable to our collection? We are happy to receive new additions to our specialised library.